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NYT Spelling Bee Hints

Jun 10, 2024 →

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Note: This page contains hints to help solve Sunday, June 9, 2024's New York Times Spelling Bee. To reveal a hint, click on any blurred area below. To see all pangrams and answers for this puzzle at once, visit the Spelling Bee Answers page.

The New York Times Spelling Bee is a word puzzle that challenges players to form words from seven letters arranged in a honeycomb, with the center letter required in each word. Points are earned based on word length, and there's a bonus for using all seven letters in a word.

Sunday, June 9, 2024's Spelling Bee featured 3 pangram(s) ( 0 perfect pangram(s)) and a total of 48 answers. The highest possible score, required to achieve the coveted Queen Bee status, was 251 points. Sunday, June 9, 2024's Puzzle wasn't a Bingo.

First One/Two/Three Letters

Click on any two letter prefix to reveal all first three letters combinations of the words.
A × 12:
E × 2:
G × 12:
I × 1:
N × 4:
W × 17:

Letter Distribution

The number of answers that start with a specific letter and of a specific length.

Group by first Letters
Starting With 45678910 Sum
A 2 4 4 1 - 1 - 12
E - - 1 - 1 - - 2
G 6 - 1 5 - - - 12
I - 1 - - - - - 1
N 2 - - 2 - - - 4
W 5 2 5 2 1 1 1 17
Sum 15 7 11 10 2 2 1 48

Definitions & Synonyms


aw akening
(noun) the act of waking
wakening, waking up
wa kening
(noun) the act of waking
waking up
we akening
(adj) causing debilitation
debilitative, enervating, enfeebling
(adj) moderating by making pain or sorrow weaker
(noun) becoming weaker
(noun) the act of reducing the strength of something


ag ain
(adv) anew
once more
ag eing
(adj) growing old
aging, senescent
(noun) acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time
aging, ripening
(noun) the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
aging, senescence
ag ing
(adj) growing old
ageing, senescent
(noun) acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time
ageing, ripening
(noun) the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
ageing, senescence
ak in
(adj) similar in quality or character
(adj) related by blood
blood-related, cognate, consanguine, consanguineal, consanguineous, kin
an ew
(adv) again but in a new or different way
an gina
(noun) any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain
(noun) a heart condition marked by paroxysms of chest pain due to reduced oxygen to the heart
aw ake
(adj) not in a state of sleep; completely conscious
(adj) mentally perceptive and responsive
alert, alive
(verb) stop sleeping
arouse, come alive, wake, wake up, waken
aw aken
(verb) cause to become awake or conscious
arouse, rouse, wake, wake up, waken
(verb) stop sleeping
arouse, awake, come alive, wake, wake up, waken
(verb) make aware
aw aking
aw ing
(adj) inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
amazing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful
aw ning
(noun) a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from rain or sun
sunblind, sunshade
en gage
(verb) carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in
prosecute, pursue
(verb) consume all of one's attention or time
absorb, engross, occupy
employ, hire
(verb) ask to represent; of legal counsel
(verb) give to in marriage
affiance, betroth, plight
(verb) get caught
(verb) carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)
(verb) hire for work or assistance
charter, hire, lease, rent, take
lock, mesh, operate
en gaging
(adj) attracting or delighting
ga ga
(adj) mentally or physically infirm with age
doddering, doddery, senile
(adj) intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
crazy, dotty, wild
ga ge
(noun) street names for marijuana
Mary Jane, dope, grass, green goddess, locoweed, pot, sens, sess, skunk, smoke, weed
(noun) a measuring instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc.
(verb) place a bet on
back, bet on, game, punt, stake
ga gging
ga in
(noun) a quantity that is added
addition, increase
(noun) the advantageous quality of being beneficial
(noun) the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input
(noun) the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating
(verb) obtain
(verb) win something through one's efforts
acquire, win
(verb) derive a benefit from
benefit, profit
(verb) reach a destination, either real or abstract
arrive at, attain, hit, make, reach
(verb) obtain advantages, such as points, etc.
advance, get ahead, make headway, pull ahead, win
(verb) rise in rate or price
(verb) increase or develop
(verb) earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages
bring in, clear, earn, make, pull in, realise, realize, take in
(verb) increase (one's body weight)
put on
ga ining
ga ng
(noun) an association of criminals
mob, pack, ring
(noun) an informal body of friends
bunch, crew, crowd
(noun) an organized group of workmen
crew, work party
(noun) tool consisting of a combination of implements arranged to work together
(verb) act as an organized group
ga nging
ga wk
(noun) an awkward stupid person
clod, goon, lout, lubber, lummox, lump, oaf, stumblebum
(verb) look with amazement; look stupidly
gape, gawp, goggle
ga wking
ge wgaw
(noun) cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
bangle, bauble, fallal, gaud, novelty, trinket
gn aw
(verb) bite or chew on with the teeth
(verb) become ground down or deteriorate
eat at, erode, wear away
gn awing
in ane
(adj) extremely silly or stupid
asinine, fatuous
na an
(noun) leavened bread baked in a clay oven in India; usually shaped like a teardrop
na gging
(adj) continually complaining or faultfinding
na na
na nkeen
(noun) a durable fabric formerly loomed by hand in China from natural cotton having a yellowish color
wa ge
(verb) carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)
(noun) something that remunerates
earnings, pay, remuneration, salary
wa gging
wa ging
wa ke
(noun) the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event)
aftermath, backwash
(noun) the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward
(noun) a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial
(verb) stop sleeping
arouse, come alive
(verb) arouse or excite feelings and passions
fire up, heat, ignite, inflame, stir up
(verb) to alert someone to something
arouse, rouse
wa ken
(verb) cause to become awake or conscious
arouse, rouse, wake, wake up
(verb) stop sleeping
arouse, awake, come alive, wake, wake up
wa king
(adj) marked by full consciousness or alertness
(noun) the state of remaining awake
wa ne
(verb) grow smaller
decline, go down
(verb) become smaller
(verb) decrease in phase
(noun) a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)
ebb, ebbing
wa ning
(adj) (of the Moon) pertaining to the period during which the visible surface of the moon decreases
(noun) a gradual decrease in magnitude or extent
wa nna
we ak
(adj) wanting in physical strength
(adj) overly diluted; thin and insipid
washy, watery
(adj) (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress
light, unaccented
(adj) wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings
fallible, frail, imperfect
(adj) tending downward in price
(adj) deficient or lacking in some skill
(adj) lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
debile, decrepit, feeble, infirm, rickety, sapless
(adj) (used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection
(adj) not having authority, political strength, or governing power
(adj) deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc
(adj) likely to fail under stress or pressure
(adj) deficient in intelligence or mental power
we aken
(verb) lessen the strength of
(verb) become weaker
(verb) destroy property or hinder normal operations
counteract, countermine, sabotage, subvert, undermine
(verb) reduce the level or intensity or size or scope of
de-escalate, step down
(verb) lessen in force or effect
break, damp, dampen, soften
we an
(verb) gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk
(verb) detach the affections of
we aning
(noun) the act of substituting other food for the mother's milk in the diet of a child or young mammal
wi gwag
(verb) send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code
(verb) signal by or as if by a flag or light waved according to a code
wi gwagging

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Definitions are sourced from the Open English WordNet released under the CC-BY 4.0 license.