Bee Solver Customizable Hints and Answers for the NYT Spelling Bee Archive
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NYT Spelling Bee Hints

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Note: This page contains hints to help solve Wednesday, June 12, 2024's New York Times Spelling Bee. To reveal a hint, click on any blurred area below. To see all pangrams and answers for this puzzle at once, visit the Spelling Bee Answers page.

The New York Times Spelling Bee is a word puzzle that challenges players to form words from seven letters arranged in a honeycomb, with the center letter required in each word. Points are earned based on word length, and there's a bonus for using all seven letters in a word.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024's Spelling Bee featured 1 pangram(s) ( 0 perfect pangram(s)) and a total of 48 answers. The highest possible score, required to achieve the coveted Queen Bee status, was 237 points. Wednesday, June 12, 2024's Puzzle wasn't a Bingo.

First One/Two/Three Letters

Click on any two letter prefix to reveal all first three letters combinations of the words.
A × 5:
C × 31:
D × 7:
E × 3:
L × 2:

Letter Distribution

The number of answers that start with a specific letter and of a specific length.

Group by first Letters
Starting With 4567810 Sum
A 1 - 2 2 - - 5
C 10 8 8 3 1 1 31
D - 3 2 2 - - 7
E - 1 1 - 1 - 3
L 1 1 - - - - 2
Sum 12 13 13 7 2 1 48

Definitions & Synonyms


ed ucable


ac cede
(verb) yield to another's wish or opinion
bow, defer, give in, submit
(verb) take on duties or office
(verb) to agree or express agreement
acquiesce, assent
ac ceded
ac ed
ad duce
(verb) advance evidence for
abduce, cite
ad duced
ca bal
(verb) engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together
complot, conjure, conspire, machinate
(noun) a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue
camarilla, faction, junto
(noun) a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
ca bala
(noun) an esoteric or occult matter resembling the Kabbalah that is traditionally secret
cabbala, cabbalah, kabala, kabbala, kabbalah, qabala, qabalah
ca bbed
ca ble
(noun) a telegram sent abroad
overseas telegram
(noun) a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
line, transmission line
(noun) a very strong thick rope made of twisted hemp or steel wire
(noun) a nautical unit of depth
telegraph, wire
ca bled
ca lculable
(adj) able to be calculated or estimated
ca ll
(noun) a method of contacting a person by phone
(noun) a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
cry, outcry, shout, vociferation, yell
(noun) a demand
(noun) the characteristic sound produced by a bird
birdsong, song
(noun) a brief social visit
(noun) a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
(noun) a demand for a show of hands in a card game
(noun) a request
(noun) an instruction that interrupts the program being executed
(noun) a visit in an official or professional capacity
(noun) (sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee
(noun) the option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
(verb) assign a specified (usually proper) name to
be known as, know as, name
(verb) ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
(verb) get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
phone, ring, telephone
(verb) utter a sudden loud cry
cry, holler, hollo, scream, shout, shout out, squall, yell
(verb) order, request, or command to come
send for
(verb) pay a brief visit
(verb) read aloud to check for omissions or absentees
(verb) send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message
(verb) utter a characteristic note or cry
(verb) stop or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather
(verb) greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name
(verb) make a stop in a harbour
(verb) demand payment of (a loan)
(verb) make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
(verb) indicate a decision in regard to
(verb) make a prediction about; tell in advance
anticipate, forebode, foretell, predict, prognosticate, promise
(verb) present for redemption before maturation
(verb) challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense
(verb) declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee
(verb) order or request or give a command for
(verb) order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role
(verb) utter in a loud voice or announce
(verb) challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of
(verb) consider or regard as being
ca lla
(noun) South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix
Zantedeschia aethiopica, arum lily
ca llable
(adj) subject to a demand for payment before due date
ca lled
ca udal
(adj) constituting or relating to a tail
(adj) resembling a tail
(adj) situated in or directed toward the part of the body from which the tail arises
(adv) toward the posterior end of the body
ca ul
(noun) part of the peritoneum attached to the stomach and to the colon and covering the intestines
gastrocolic omentum, greater omentum
(noun) the inner membrane of embryos in higher vertebrates (especially when covering the head at birth)
embryonic membrane, veil
ce de
(verb) give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
grant, yield
(verb) relinquish possession or control over
deliver, give up, surrender
ce ded
ce leb
ce ll
(noun) any small compartment
(noun) (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
(noun) a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction
(noun) a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement
(noun) a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver
mobile phone
(noun) small room in which a monk or nun lives
(noun) a room where a prisoner is kept
ce lled
ce llule
cl ad
(adj) wearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination
(adj) having an outer covering especially of thin metal
cl ade
(noun) a group of biological taxa or species that share features inherited from a common ancestor
cl ub
(noun) a team of professional baseball players who play and travel together
(noun) a formal association of people with similar interests
gild, guild, lodge, order, society
(noun) stout stick that is larger at one end
(noun) golf equipment used by a golfer to hit a golf ball
(noun) a playing card in the minor suit that has one or more black trefoils on it
(noun) a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink
cabaret, nightspot
(verb) unite with a common purpose
(verb) gather and spend time together
cl ubbed
cl ue
(verb) roll into a ball
(noun) a slight indication
(noun) evidence that helps to solve a problem
clew, cue
cl ued
cu be
(noun) a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces
regular hexahedron
(noun) a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides
(noun) the product of three equal terms
third power
(noun) any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus whose roots are used locally as a fish poison and commercially as a source of rotenone
square block
(verb) raise to the third power
cu bed
cu ddle
(noun) a close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace
nestle, snuggle
(verb) move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position
draw close, nest, nestle, nuzzle, snuggle
(verb) hold (a person or thing) close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth
cu ddled
cu ed
cu ll
(verb) remove something that has been rejected
(verb) look for and gather
pick, pluck
(noun) the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality
cu lled
de bacle
(noun) a sudden and violent collapse
(noun) flooding caused by a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river during the spring or summer
(noun) a sound defeat
drubbing, slaughter, thrashing, trouncing, walloping, whipping
de cade
(noun) a period of 10 years
decennary, decennium
(noun) the cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system
10, X, ten, tenner
de cal
(noun) either a design that is fixed to some surface or a paper bearing the design which is to be transferred to the surface
de duce
(verb) reason by deduction; establish by deduction
deduct, derive, infer
(verb) conclude by reasoning; in logic
de duced
de uce
(noun) a tie in tennis or table tennis that requires winning two successive points to win the game
(noun) the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number
2, II, two
(noun) a word used in exclamations of confusion
devil, dickens
(noun) one of the four playing cards in a deck that have two spots
du cal
(adj) of or belonging to or suitable for a duke
ed uce
draw out, elicit, evoke, extract
(verb) develop or evolve from a latent or potential state
ed uced
la ce
(noun) a cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment)
(noun) a delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns
(verb) spin, wind, or twist together
entwine, intertwine, twine
(verb) make by braiding or interlacing
braid, plait
(verb) draw through eyes or holes
(verb) add alcohol to (beverages)
fortify, spike
la ced
(adj) closed with a lace
(adj) edged or streaked with color

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Definitions are sourced from the Open English WordNet released under the CC-BY 4.0 license.