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NYT Spelling Bee Hints

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Note: This page contains hints to help solve Saturday, July 13, 2024's New York Times Spelling Bee. To reveal a hint, click on any blurred area below. To see all pangrams and answers for this puzzle at once, visit the Spelling Bee Answers page.

The New York Times Spelling Bee is a word puzzle that challenges players to form words from seven letters arranged in a honeycomb, with the center letter required in each word. Points are earned based on word length, and there's a bonus for using all seven letters in a word.

Saturday, July 13, 2024's Spelling Bee featured 1 pangram(s) ( 0 perfect pangram(s)) and a total of 44 answers. The highest possible score, required to achieve the coveted Queen Bee status, was 241 points. Saturday, July 13, 2024's Puzzle was a Bingo.

First One/Two/Three Letters

Click on any two letter prefix to reveal all first three letters combinations of the words.
A × 4:
B × 11:
G × 8:
I × 1:
L × 12:
N × 2:
U × 6:

Letter Distribution

The number of answers that start with a specific letter and of a specific length.

Group by first Letters
Starting With 45678910 Sum
A - 1 2 - - 1 - 4
B 3 1 - 3 3 1 - 11
G 2 1 1 3 1 - - 8
I - - 1 - - - - 1
L 5 - 3 3 1 - - 12
N 1 - 1 - - - - 2
U 1 2 - - - 2 1 6
Sum 12 5 8 9 5 4 1 44

Definitions & Synonyms


bi lingual
(adj) using or knowing two languages
(noun) a person who speaks two languages fluently


an nual
(adj) completing its life cycle within a year
(adj) occurring or payable every year
(noun) (botany) a plant that completes its entire life cycle within the space of a year
(noun) a reference book that is published regularly once every year
yearbook, yearly
an nul
(verb) declare invalid
avoid, invalidate, nullify, quash, void
(verb) cancel officially
countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, rescind, reverse, revoke, vacate
an nuli
an nulling
bi annual
(adj) occurring or payable twice each year
biyearly, half-yearly, semiannual
bu bba
bu bbling
(adj) emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation
bubbly, effervescing, foaming, foamy, frothy, spumy
(adj) marked by high spirits or excitement
effervescent, frothy, scintillating, sparkly
bu gging
bu gling
bu lb
(noun) a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure
(noun) electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity
electric light, incandescent lamp
(noun) a rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end)
(noun) anything with a round shape resembling a teardrop
medulla, medulla oblongata
(noun) a rounded dilation or expansion in a canal or vessel or organ
bu lging
(adj) curving outward
bellied, bellying, bulbous, bulgy, protuberant
bu ll
(noun) uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle
(noun) a large and strong and heavyset man
Samson, bruiser, strapper
(noun) Obscene word for unacceptable behavior
crap, dogshit, horseshit, shit
(noun) a serious and ludicrous blunder
(noun) uncomplimentary terms for a policeman
cop, copper, fuzz, pig
(noun) an investor with an optimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to rise and so buys now for resale later
(noun) the center of a target
(noun) mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow'; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle
(verb) push or force
(verb) try to raise the price of stocks through speculative buying
(verb) speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths
fake, talk through one's hat
(verb) advance in price
bu ng
(noun) a plug used to close a hole in a barrel or flask
(verb) give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on
fee, tip
(verb) close with a cork or stopper
bu ngling
(adj) showing lack of skill or aptitude
clumsy, fumbling, incompetent
(adj) lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands
bumbling, butterfingered, ham-fisted, ham-handed, handless, heavy-handed, left-handed
ga uging
gl ug
(verb) make a gurgling sound as of liquid issuing from a bottle
gl ugging
gl uing
gu lag
(noun) a Russian prison camp for political prisoners
gu ll
chump, fall guy, fool, mark, mug, patsy, soft touch, sucker
(noun) mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs
(verb) make a fool or dupe of
befool, fool
(verb) fool or hoax
befool, cod, dupe, fool, put on, put one across, put one over, slang, take in
gu lling
gu nning
ig uana
(noun) large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back; used as human food in Central America and South America
li nguini
(noun) pasta in long slender flat strips
lu au
(noun) an elaborate Hawaiian feast or party (especially one accompanied by traditional foods and entertainment)
lu bing
lu gging
lu ging
(noun) riding a light one-man toboggan
lu ll
(verb) calm by deception
(verb) become quiet or less intensive
calm down
(verb) make calm or still
calm, calm down, quiet, quieten, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize
(noun) a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished
(noun) a period of calm weather
lu lling
lu lu
(noun) a very attractive or seductive looking woman
beauty, dish, knockout, looker, mantrap, peach, ravisher, smasher, stunner, sweetheart
lu na
lu ng
(noun) either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood
lu nging
lu nula
(noun) the crescent-shaped area at the base of the human fingernail
half-moon, lunule
(noun) a crescent-shaped metal ornament of the Bronze Age
nu bbin
(noun) a small nub (especially an undeveloped fruit or ear of corn)
nu ll
(adj) lacking any legal or binding force
(noun) a quantity of no importance; thing (object:), singular, negative pronoun; pronoun, thing, singular; quantifier: negative existential
aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, nada, naught, nil, nix, nothing, zero, zilch, zip, zippo
ul na
(noun) the inner and longer of the two bones of the human forearm
elbow bone
un bag
un bagging
un ban
un banning
un ilingual

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Definitions are sourced from the Open English WordNet released under the CC-BY 4.0 license.