Bee Solver Customizable Hints and Answers for the NYT Spelling Bee Archive
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NYT Spelling Bee Hints

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Monday, July 22, 2024

Note: This page contains hints to help solve Monday, July 22, 2024's New York Times Spelling Bee. To reveal a hint, click on any blurred area below. To see all pangrams and answers for this puzzle at once, visit the Spelling Bee Answers page.

The New York Times Spelling Bee is a word puzzle that challenges players to form words from seven letters arranged in a honeycomb, with the center letter required in each word. Points are earned based on word length, and there's a bonus for using all seven letters in a word.

Monday, July 22, 2024's Spelling Bee featured 1 pangram(s) ( 0 perfect pangram(s)) and a total of 47 answers. The highest possible score, required to achieve the coveted Queen Bee status, was 213 points. Monday, July 22, 2024's Puzzle was a Bingo.

First One/Two/Three Letters

Click on any two letter prefix to reveal all first three letters combinations of the words.
D × 8:
E × 4:
H × 10:
M × 11:
N × 9:
O × 2:
Y × 3:

Letter Distribution

The number of answers that start with a specific letter and of a specific length.

Group by first Letters
Starting With 45678911 Sum
D 3 3 1 1 - - - 8
E - 3 - 1 - - - 4
H 2 3 - 2 1 1 1 10
M 3 3 2 2 1 - - 11
N 6 1 2 - - - - 9
O 1 1 - - - - - 2
Y 1 - 2 - - - - 3
Sum 16 14 7 6 2 1 1 47

Definitions & Synonyms


ho neymooned


de mon
(noun) an evil supernatural being
daemon, daimon, devil, fiend
(noun) a cruel wicked and inhuman person
devil, fiend, monster, ogre
(noun) someone extremely diligent or skillful
de ny
(verb) declare untrue; contradict
(verb) refuse to accept or believe
(verb) refuse to grant, as of a petition or request
(verb) refuse to let have
(verb) refuse to recognize or acknowledge
do ne
(adj) having finished or arrived at completion
through, through with
(adj) cooked until ready to serve
do nee
(noun) the recipient of funds or other benefits
do nned
do yen
(noun) a man who is the senior member of a group
do yenne
(noun) a woman who is the senior member of a group
dy ne
(noun) a unit of force equal to the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 cm/sec/sec to a mass of 1 gram
em end
(verb) make improvements or corrections to
em ended
(adj) improved or corrected by critical editing
en ded
(adj) having come or been brought to a conclusion
all over, complete, concluded, over, terminated
en emy
(noun) an opposing military force
(noun) an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force)
foe, foeman, opposition
(noun) any hostile group of people
ho monym
ho monymy
(noun) the relation between two words that are spelled the same way but differ in meaning or the relation between two words that are pronounced the same way but differ in meaning
ho ne
(noun) a whetstone made of fine gritstone; used for sharpening razors
(noun) a tool consisting of a number of fine abrasive slips held in a machine head, rotated and reciprocated to impart a smooth finish to cylinder bores, etc.
(verb) make perfect or complete
ho ned
ho ney
(noun) a sweet yellow liquid produced by bees
(noun) a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
baby, beloved, darling, dear, dearest, dearie, deary, love, sweetheart, sweetie
ho neyed
(adj) with honey added
honied, syrupy
(adj) pleasing to the ear
dulcet, mellifluous, mellisonant, sweet
ho neymoon
(verb) spend a holiday after one's marriage
(noun) a holiday taken by a newly married couple
(noun) the early (usually calm and harmonious) period of a relationship; business or political
hy men
(noun) a fold of tissue that partly covers the entrance to the vagina of a virgin
maidenhead, virginal membrane
hy mn
(noun) a song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation)
me nd
(noun) sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment)
darn, patch
(noun) the act of putting something in working order again
fix, fixing, fixture, repair, reparation
(verb) restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken
bushel, doctor, fix, furbish up, repair, restore, touch on
(verb) heal or recover
me nded
mo ndo
mo ney
(noun) the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender
(noun) the official currency issued by a government or national bank
mo neyed
(adj) based on or arising from the possession of money or wealth
(adj) having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
affluent, flush, loaded, substantial, wealthy
mo neymen
mo no
(adj) designating sound transmission or recording or reproduction over a single channel
glandular fever, kissing disease
mo nonym
mo on
(noun) the natural satellite of the Earth
lunar month, lunation, synodic month
(noun) any natural satellite of a planet
(verb) have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake
(verb) be idle in a listless or dreamy way
(verb) expose one's buttocks to
mo oned
mo ony
(adj) lighted by moonlight
(adj) dreamy in mood or nature
dreamy, woolgathering
ne ed
(verb) require as useful, just, or proper
ask, call for, demand, involve, necessitate, postulate, require, take
require, want
(noun) a condition requiring relief
(noun) anything that is necessary but lacking
(noun) the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
motivation, motive
(noun) a state of extreme poverty or destitution
indigence, pauperism, pauperization, penury
ne eded
(adj) necessary for relief or supply
needful, required, requisite
ne edy
(adj) poor enough to need help from others
destitute, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, poverty-stricken
(adj) demanding or needing attention, affection, or reassurance to an excessive degree
ne ne
ne on
(noun) a colorless odorless gaseous element that gives a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts
Ne, atomic number 10
no dded
no de
(noun) a connecting point at which several lines come together
(noun) any thickened enlargement
knob, thickening
(noun) (botany) the small swelling that is the part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emerge
(noun) (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system
(noun) (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane
(noun) the source of lymph and lymphocytes
lymph gland
(noun) any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part
(noun) (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network
client, guest
no ne
(adj) not any; entity, negative pronoun
(noun) a canonical hour that is the ninth hour of the day counting from sunrise
(noun) a service in the Roman Catholic Church formerly read or chanted at 3 PM (the ninth hour counting from sunrise) but now somewhat earlier
(adv) not at all or in no way
no on
(noun) the middle of the day
od eon
om en
(noun) a sign of something about to happen
portent, presage, prodigy, prognostic, prognostication
augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate
ye nned
ye omen
yo nd

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Definitions are sourced from the Open English WordNet released under the CC-BY 4.0 license.