Bee Solver Customizable Hints and Answers for the NYT Spelling Bee Archive
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NYT Spelling Bee Hints

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Note: This page contains hints to help solve Thursday, July 25, 2024's New York Times Spelling Bee. To reveal a hint, click on any blurred area below. To see all pangrams and answers for this puzzle at once, visit the Spelling Bee Answers page.

The New York Times Spelling Bee is a word puzzle that challenges players to form words from seven letters arranged in a honeycomb, with the center letter required in each word. Points are earned based on word length, and there's a bonus for using all seven letters in a word.

Thursday, July 25, 2024's Spelling Bee featured 4 pangram(s) ( 2 perfect pangram(s)) and a total of 35 answers. The highest possible score, required to achieve the coveted Queen Bee status, was 191 points. Thursday, July 25, 2024's Puzzle wasn't a Bingo.

First One/Two/Three Letters

Click on any two letter prefix to reveal all first three letters combinations of the words.
D × 2:
E × 3:
G × 1:
H × 17:
L × 3:
T × 9:

Letter Distribution

The number of answers that start with a specific letter and of a specific length.

Group by first Letters
Starting With 4567911 Sum
D - - - 1 1 - 2
E - 1 1 - 1 - 3
G 1 - - - - - 1
H 9 1 5 - 1 1 17
L - 2 - 1 - - 3
T 1 5 2 1 - - 9
Sum 11 9 8 3 3 1 35

Definitions & Synonyms


de light
(noun) a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction
(noun) something or someone that provides a source of happiness
joy, pleasure
(verb) give pleasure to or be pleasing to
enjoy, revel
(verb) hold spellbound
enchant, enrapture, enthral, enthrall, ravish, transport
de lighted
(adj) greatly pleased
(adj) filled with wonder and delight
beguiled, captivated, charmed, enthralled, entranced
hi ghlighted
li ghted
(adj) set afire or burning
(adj) provided with artificial light
illuminated, lit


ei ght
(adj) being one more than seven
8, viii
(noun) the cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one
8, VIII, octad, octet, octonary, ogdoad
ei ghth
(adj) coming next after the seventh and just before the ninth in position
(noun) position eight in a countable series of things
(noun) one part in eight equal parts
ei ghtieth
(adj) the ordinal number of eighty in counting order
(noun) position 80 in a countable series of things
gh ee
(noun) clarified butter used in Indian cookery
he dge
(noun) a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes
(noun) any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change
(noun) an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement
(verb) avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fudge, parry, put off, sidestep, skirt
(verb) minimize loss or risk
he dged
(adj) evasively worded in order to avoid an unqualified statement
he ed
(noun) paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people)
attentiveness, paying attention, regard
listen, mind
he eded
he el
(noun) the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground and provides elevation
(noun) the back part of the human foot
(noun) someone who is morally reprehensible
blackguard, bounder, cad, dog, hound
(noun) one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread
(noun) the lower end of a ship's mast
(noun) (golf) the part of the clubhead where it joins the shaft
(verb) tilt to one side
he eled
he ight
(noun) the vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base of something to the top
(noun) the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development
acme, elevation, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, tiptop, top
(noun) (of a standing person) the distance from head to foot
(noun) elevation especially above sea level or above the earth's surface
he ld
(adj) occupied or in the control of; often used in combination
he ll
(noun) any place of pain and turmoil
inferno, snake pit, the pits
(noun) a cause of difficulty and suffering
(noun) noisy and unrestrained mischief
hi de
(verb) prevent from being seen or discovered
(verb) be or go into hiding; keep out of sight, as for protection and safety
(verb) cover as if with a shroud
cover, enshroud, shroud
(verb) make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing
blot out, obliterate, obscure, veil
(noun) the dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal)
(noun) body covering of a living animal
pelt, skin
hi ed
hi gh
(adj) greater than normal in quantity or amount
(adj) standing above others in quality or position
(adj) happy and excited and energetic
(adj) (used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or tainted
gamey, gamy
(adj) slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)
(noun) a lofty level or position or degree
(noun) a state of sustained elation
(noun) a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics
(noun) a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12
(noun) a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed
(adv) at a great altitude
(adv) in a rich manner
luxuriously, richly
(adv) far up toward the source
hi ghlight
(noun) the most interesting or memorable part
high spot
(noun) an area of lightness in a picture
(verb) move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent
foreground, play up, spotlight
hi ll
(noun) a local and well-defined elevation of the land
(noun) structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones
(noun) (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands
mound, pitcher's mound
hi lled
hi lt
(noun) the handle of a sword or dagger
li ght
(adj) of comparatively little physical weight or density
(adj) (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent
(adj) not great in degree or quantity or number
(adj) (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress
unaccented, weak
(adj) easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned
(adj) (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency
(adj) (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims
clean, clear, unclouded
(adj) moving easily and quickly; nimble
(adj) demanding little effort; not burdensome
(adj) of little intensity or power or force
(adj) (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average
(adj) weak and likely to lose consciousness
faint, swooning
(adj) very thin and insubstantial
(adj) marked by temperance in indulgence
(adj) less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so
scant, short
(adj) having little importance
(adj) intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound
(adj) silly or trivial
(adj) designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight
(adj) having relatively few calories
calorie-free, lite, low-cal
(adj) (of sleep) easily disturbed
(adj) casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
easy, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wanton
(noun) (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation
visible radiation
(noun) any device serving as a source of illumination
(noun) a particular perspective or aspect of a situation
brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminosity, luminousness
(noun) an illuminated area
(noun) a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination
(noun) the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures
(noun) a person regarded very fondly
(noun) merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance
spark, sparkle, twinkle
(noun) public awareness
(noun) a visual warning signal
igniter, ignitor
illume, illuminate, illumine
(verb) begin to smoke
fire up
(verb) to come to rest, settle
(verb) cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat
(verb) fall to somebody by assignment or lot; passed
dismount, get down, get off, unhorse
(verb) start or maintain a fire in
fire, ignite
(adv) with few burdens
li the
(adj) gracefully thin and bending and moving with ease
lissom, lissome, sinuous, supple
te eth
te ethe
(verb) grow teeth; cut the baby teeth
te ethed
th ee
th igh
(noun) the part of the leg between the hip and the knee
(noun) the upper joint of the leg of a fowl
second joint
ti ght
(adj) closely constrained or constricted or constricting
(adj) set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration
(adj) (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity
mean, mingy, miserly
(adj) affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow
(adj) of such close construction as to be impermeable
(adj) of textiles
(adj) securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid
(adj) (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched
(adj) very drunk
besotted, blind drunk, blotto, cockeyed, crocked, fuddled, loaded, pie-eyed, pissed, pixilated, plastered, slopped, sloshed, smashed, soaked, soused, sozzled, squiffy, stiff, wet
(adj) exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent
(adj) demanding strict attention to rules and procedures
rigorous, stringent
(adj) packed closely together
(adv) firmly or closely
(adv) in an attentive manner
close, closely
ti lth
(noun) the state of aggregation of soil and its condition for supporting plant growth
(noun) arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops
cultivated land, farmland, ploughland, plowland, tillage, tilled land
ti the
(verb) pay a tenth of one's income; pay one tenth of, especially to the church
(noun) a levy of one tenth of something
(noun) an offering of a tenth part of some personal income
ti thed

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Definitions are sourced from the Open English WordNet released under the CC-BY 4.0 license.